Benefits of Video Game Localization

Video Game Localization : Unlocking global success and more reach for Video Gaming companies

What is Language Localization?

In the simplest words, Localization is not just translation, it goes beyond mere translation. It adapts the content, context, and culture within the game to resonate with players from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

  • Text Translation
  • Cultural Adaptation
  • Audio Dubbing
  • Currency & Date Formatting
Globe image depicting : Expand your business with Translation and localization servces

Why is Game Localization Important?

  • Increased Reach

    As of 2021, only about 25.9% of internet users were English speakers.

  • Revenue Growth

    A study found that 56% of  vgame consumers say the ability to obtain information in their own language is more important than price.

  • Competitive Edge

    Less than 30% of game developers localize their games, providing a competitive advantage to those who do.

Case Studies

  • Pokémon Go

    Before Localization: Launched in limited markets, mainly English-speaking.
    After Localization: Translated into multiple languages and localized, which led to a global surge in downloads.
    Result: Generated over $1 billion in revenue within six months of its global launch.

  • PUBG Mobile

    Before Localization: Initially available in English.
    After Localization: Adapted into more than 10 languages.
    Result: Became the highest-grossing mobile game, generating over $2.6 billion in 2020.

Steps for Effective Localization

  • Research Target Markets
  • Cultural Sensitivity Analysis
  • Choose the Right Localization Partner
  • Quality Assurance Testing

ROI of Game Localization

Stats: The Common Sense Advisory reports that it takes an average of 12 languages to reach 80% of the world’s online population.

Revenue Increase: Clients experience an average of a 20-40% increase in revenue when localizing into more than 5 languages.

Languages We Support : Video Game Localization

List Languages we support for video game localization

Understanding The Cost Of Localization

Factor affecting the cost of Localization process


Video Game Language localization is not a luxury but a necessity for gaming companies aiming to go global. It increases reach, drives revenue, and provides a competitive edge.

Benefits of Video Game Localization